Monday, October 4, 2010

Beautiful School

Beautiful School
Originally uploaded by KirkKrew
We got to the school the first week in March. Mayflora has about 4,000 students all living on campus. The grounds of the school were huge. We really felt at home living here. The building in the distance is the International building. It's where we taught the kids each day. The kindergarten teachers would slowly march our kids done the track to class. You can also see a glimpse of our cafeteria. Rice and boiled cabbage EVERY DAY, sometimes we'd get fish, sometimes chicken.

We loved it there.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

China Revival

When we first went to China, I wanted to make this blog as a sort of journal for our trip. Unfortunately, blogger doesn't work in China. I still posted all of our photos and videos online, but without commentary. I still miss our kids. Living in China was an ultimate experience. Today, I want to introduce you to some of our kids. Then, I'll start from the beginning so you can relive the experience with me.

Every day before class we lined up our class. Here you can see Aaron (a screamer) and Ellen (a clinger)

This is Matthew. He had a hilarious voice. It was as if he had smoked since the womb. I lovingly called him froggy.

This is another awesome picture of Ellen.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been so much fun! We've walked all over this city. We've been up Victoria Peak, we've sampled the local foods, we rode around a sampan in Aberdeen Fishing Village, and we've been to the Hong Kong Temple!

I loved the temple by the way. Did you know that the Chinese are super-superstitious when it comes to numbers? For example, #4 represents death, so you don't want to see it anywhere. In the temple, the elevator doesn't go to the fourth floor. Isn't that cool? The Church stays true to the culture of the temple and how fitting! The temple represents eternal life! Death has no grip in the temple! We are loving it here. Our train to the mainland leaves around 5:00pm our time. We should get to Fuqing late tonight. We get to spend Sunday resting up, too. I've been made the group leader by the Branch President and we get to teleconference the church meeting! That should be interesting.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Longest Day Ever

Well, it's around 6:30am (2:30pm Arizona Time) here in Seoul, South Korea. We landed about a half hour ago and my stomach is still churning from our 12 hour flight. The descent took like two hours through a storm.

I had time to watch three movies on the plane. I also enjoyed the mystery meat dinner and eggs with tomato paste for breakfast. Kristi tried to sleep, but ended up watching a bunch of movies herself. All is well except for the fact that I seem to have misplaced my IPOD. That sucks hardcore, but at least I didn't lose anything really important. I'm still hoping I just can't see it in my bag.

We're tired, but happy to be on our way! We'll talk to you soon! Remember we are here for another 4 hours before we hop on another plane to Hong Kong. Ahh! The longest day ever.

More videos coming soon.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Packing for China!

Are we leaving? Has the time really come? Are we ready to go? You be the judge. We are going to miss you all so much. Thanks again to mom and dad for the surprise trip out here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Future Home

This will be the future blog where we will journal our time living in China. Please check it regularly after February 17, 2010 (our departure date)!

We love you all.